lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

A “chilote” town: Achao.

Achao belongs to the Quinchao Island, located in the Chiloé Archipelago in the south of Chile. Achao is the main town of the Quinchao commune.  A half of the Quinchao Island and, the Curaco de Velez commune belong to the Quinchao commune and others islands are sorrounding it, such as Alao, Apiao, Chaulinec, Caguach, Lin- Lin, Llingua, Meulín, Quenac, and Teuquelin. In the Huilliche language, “Achao” means “sandy beach”.
Achao is a valley surrounded by hills and is in front of a shallow sandy beach. Facing Achao are two islands called Lingua and Lin-Lin.
This chilote town is one of the most important out of the Chiloé Island and very visited by habitants from the other nine islands belonging to the commune. They go there to study at the schools or for business.
In Achao it is possible to see the architecture and notice the art in which houses are covered, using large tree yew. This kind of architecture is very common in the south of Chile.
In front of the Square of the town is one of the main graces  of the place, The Santa María de Loreto Church (Iglesia Santa María de Loreto) that was chosen as a World Heritage. In the same site is a market called “El Canito”. Tourist and habitants can get “chuchoca”, potato bread, “milcaos”, and any other typical food, that is very useful if there is no time to waste in the travel.
In the first week of February tourist and others can visit a fair called “Encuentro de Islas del Archipelago”  that is a meeting which customs, music and food are shown from all the people coming from all the islands.

If you “visit Achao” You can find a lot of viewpoints, one of them is on the “Alto La Paloma” that is a perfect siting to take great pictures.

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